SACRED MANTRA CONCERTS Amy and Vaishnavi blend and weave their voices in sublime harmonies. The rare beauty that emerges is spine-tingling with a unique flavour of raw devotion. EARTH share their music at festivals, venues, house-concerts and through live online performances.
“Your devotion and beautiful spirits transmit so clearly, and it feels very auspicious that you will be able to play for the launch.”
Dr Azra Bertrand
“Living at Yogaville allows me to experience the world’s best kirtanists: Krishna Das, Jai Utal, Durga Das, Snatam Kaur… Your music fit right in.” Reverend Bhagavan Metro
SONGBATHS Be guided into deep stillness, beyond relaxation: a profound letting go into sacred space. EARTH hold you tenderly in that receptive state and channel Divine healing song infused with sacred mantra.
“Like a gongbath but with sublime, hypnotic voices. Pure magic!”
“healing, soothing, purifying and richly evocative. I felt cleansed and cradled, held and heart-opened by the journey you took us on.”
“It popped open my heart to be able to release and cry… a deepening in the journey of sound, Brought me back to my own heart.”

Lie back and be guided into deep presence and stillness through yoga nidra and become fully receptive to the soothing vibrations. The gong initiates the sound journey, following which EARTH soothe you with tender mantra, weaving together their exquisite harmonies, acoustic guitar and silence. This deep sonic massage and healing journey ends with group chanting to ground the transformation.

Participants report feeling deliciously relaxed, soothed, safe, held; experiencing more space in the body, connection and grounding; emotional release and purification. Above all, led back to their own heart and deeply touched. No experience required, all are welcome.
AMY BISAZZA writes and sings all the melodies and plays guitar for EARTH. She is also a singer songwriter and offers gongbaths, Kundalini and Restorative yoga classes and workshops.
Gongbaths: Trained by Don Conreaux, Amy has been holding New and Full Moon Gongbath Meditations since 2010.
Kundalini Yoga: A KRI-accredited teacher who is deepening her practice through Level 2 training with The Karam Kriya School, Amy teaches Kundalini Yoga classes and workshops regularly. She describes it as a, “technology of awareness; awareness of our capacity to reach our potential, to awaken the dormant energy so that we can experience our true selves, our infinite potential.”
Hatha Yoga: Amy is a British Wheel of Yoga accredited Hatha Yoga teacher.

Restorative/Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra: With trainings in all of these forms, Amy has held workshops at Triyoga, Alchemy/Sadhaka, The Shala London and is currently teaching in Sicily. She has taught Corporate yoga at NHS, Charter (Harley Street), Syracuse University, QS Travel, Marwyn Partners and more.
Pregnancy Yoga, Children’s Yoga & Yoga in Schools: Amy’s Developmental Psychology BSc informs and underlies her Children’s Yoga classes – as does her playful sense of fun! She has taught at schools in the UK and Sicily.
As a solo artist and singer-songwriter, Amy has released original songs and mantras in various languages – including the Medicine Buddha chant.
More on:
VAISHNAVI BRASSEY writes and sings all the harmonies and arranges the tracks for EARTH. She is also an experienced kirtan leader and singer songwriter and offers voicework workshops and retreats.
Kirtan & bhajan: Vaishnavi discovered Bhakti through meeting Amma in 2005 and has led kirtan all over the world. She has a gift for evoking the Divine through her voice and supports this with harmonium or guitar.
Vedic chanting: Having spent years in an Indian ashram (and presumably lifetimes chanting!) Vaishnavi offers workshops and vedic chanting. In particular she enjoys sharing the Sri Lalita Sahasranama (1,000 Names of the Divine Mother) both in-person and online.

Voicework: Inspired by her own journey of “finding her voice” and the work of Chloe Goodchild (The Naked Voice) and improvisation with Briony Greenhill, Vaishnavi offers playful, accessible and SAFE spaces for the exploration of embodied sounding. She specialises in drawing in absolute beginners and has a particular interest in the intersection of voice and trauma. Download free 26-minute Mantra Medicine guided sounding journey.
Singer Songwriter: Vaishnavi is currently focusing on her original songwriting – a fusion of mantra and devotional lyrics. Watch this space!
Vaishnavi’s events have taken place in London (Triyoga, Alchemy/Sadhaka, The Light Centre) and worldwide: Suryalila (Spain), The Song House (Ireland), Australia, USA. More on
Calendar of upcoming EVENTS.